Man Returns WWI Medal He Dug Up As A Kid

Back in the ‘80s when Mike Iacovelli was a nine-year-old kid playing in his backyard in Great Britain, he was digging for treasure and found a medal. His mom took him to a museum to help identify it and they cleaned it to reveal it was inscribed with “The Great War for Civilization 1914-1919” along with “A.G. Hammond.”

Mike put the World War I Freedom Medal in a tin box with his other treasures and forgot about it over the years. He recently showed it to his three sons and decided it was time to track down its rightful owner, the family of Arthur George Hammond. Hammonds’ great-great granddaughter, Debbie Evans, responded to the Facebook post Mikeput out and now, more than half a century after Hammonds was killed, his granddaughter, Carol Griffiths, 75, has been given the medal. She actually lives just 300-yards from where the medal was found so many years ago. FULL STORY

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