The Heart of Texas Area Agency on Aging and The First Presbyterian Church welcome you to join us for our free Chronic Pain Self-Management program. 

Snacks will be provided!

The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program is a FREE, 6-week two-hour workshop that helps participants, and their support person, deal with the ongoing issues associated with chronic pain. Participants that attend the workshop will receive a free copy of the Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Painbook, and a CD, The Moving Easy Program.

 Workshop participants will learn about:

·Strategies to overcome problems such as frustration, fatigue, isolation, and poor sleep

·About exercises for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, endurance and pacing activity with rest

·Appropriate use of medications and evaluating new treatments

·Communication skills

·The importance of good nutrition in pain management

Meets 6 weeks for 2.5 hours

When:Monday April 29 to June 10 (Skipping May 27) 2-4:30

Where:First Presbyterian Church 1100 Austin Avenue Waco, TX

Sign up for this workshop today!

MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE! Call Joanna Adcock at 254-292-1857

You can register online by following the link below:

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