Woodstock Organizers File Permit Appeal

Although it seems impossible that they could pull off a multi-day festival in the five weeks remaining until the fest’s announced dates, they are appealing the decision.

“Woodstock 50 this morning appealed a decision by the Town of Vernon to turn down a permit needed to hold its 50thAnniversary Festival at Vernon Downs,” reads a statement by organizers. “We believe there was no legal reason for the Town to turn down the original permit application." They add, “We hope that for the good of the local and regional economy of central New York and for the health of the Town’s largest employer, Vernon Downs, officials will grant the requested permit on an expedited basis and agree to host what will be a safe, world-class and historic event.” 

Organizers are so desperate that they’ve even made a somewhat pathetic plea on social media to Vernon residents, writing, “Will you all let peace, love and music prevail [at Vernon Downs] August 16th-18?” It seems to have backfired though because most of the responses to the post were negative.Check out reactions below:

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