113th Annual Westphalia Picnic

Join us for our 113th Annual Westphalia Picnic in Westphalia, near Lott, on Sunday, October 13, 2019. A Pilgrims’ Mass will be held at 10:00 am on the church grounds. Immediately afterwards, we will begin serving our famous Westphalia noodles along with Westphalia sausage (freshly made the day before), fried chicken, green beans, cabbage slaw, and homemade cakes ($10/plate). Activities include hand-crafted and homemade items in the ladies’ booth, bingo, teddy bear stand, fish pond, face painting, train ride, ring stand, gun stand and music by Praha Brothers Band until the auction begins at 2:00. Our auction features handmade quilts and other handcrafted items. Shuttle and drive-through services are available.


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