First Bud Light, Now Cancel Culture Has Come for Miller Lite!

Yesterday morning, someone on Twitter found an old Miller Lite ad, and is apparently trying to launch a Bud Light-like BOYCOTT.

The guy called the ad "woke" . . . and added, "These companies are broken and have no idea who actually consumes their products."

The ad is not new. It was released in March . . . before the Bud Light chaos . . . as a tongue-in-cheek ad for Women's History Month. You may have seen it.

In the clip, Miller says that throughout history, WOMEN were known for brewing beer . . . and yet, centuries later, the beer industry "paid homage to the founding mothers of beer" by . . . putting women in BIKINIS.

It was a playful shot at themselves, and other beers, for old marketing.

In the ad, Miller said they're buying back all these old, sexy posters and advertisements . . . and are turning them into FERTILIZER, and giving them to farmers to grow more hops.  (They said they're "turning bad [S-word] into good [S-word].")

(Here's the ad. Warning: The S-words are only LOOSELY censored.)

Within hours, Miller Lite was trending on social media, and a lot of people were FURIOUS . . . claiming they will never drink Miller Lite again. 

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