A Company Has Apologized For Selling an Anne Frank Halloween Costume

A website called HalloweenCostumes.com got a lot of backlash over the weekend when they started selling an ANNE FRANK Halloween costume.  (On the bright side, at least it wasn't Sexy Anne Frank.)

The costume is for girls, and it includes a long sleeve blue dress, a brown shoulder bag, and a green beret.  The kid who's modeling it isn't really selling the gravity of the costume . . . she's got a big smile and she's striking a classic modeling pose.

After people on social media started blasting HalloweenCostumes.com, a PR rep wrote that, quote, "We sell costumes not only for Halloween, but for many [other] uses . . . such as school projects and plays."

But whether that's true or not, they decided to pull the costume off their site.  Sorry kids.  I guess you'll have to ask your parents for homemade Holocaust-related costumes this year. 

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