Diabetic Boy Sells Pumpkins To Raise Money For Service Dog

(photo cred - Katrina Christensen Facebook)

A six-year-old Michigan boy who has Type 1 diabetes started a pumpkin patch to help raise money to get a service dog and he’s well on his way to his goal. Ian Unger, a kindergarten student, was told that he couldn’t ride the bus to school anymore without an aid because his condition requires constant supervision of his insulin levels, but a diabetic service dog could help.

Ian’s mom, Katrina Christensen, says her son is very social and likes riding the bus with all of his friends and getting a diabetic service dog would be a solution because the dogs can detect changes in blood sugar about 45 minutes before it shows up on a meter. But the dogs cost around $25,000, so the family started selling pumpkins to raise money for their son’s dog.

His mom shared a Facebook post about Ian’s mission and got folks interested in the fundraiser and soon they were out of their $5 pumpkins, so folks donated more to the cause. So far, they’ve raised more than $16,000 of their $25,000 goal. “We want him to be a normal kid...with the dog, he will have a better chance of that,” Christensen says.

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