People Are Losing It Over Report Saying Keep Your House at 78 Degrees

I know it's important for all of us to think about our energy consumption and do our part not to accelerate the destruction of the planet.

That being said . . . this is just a flat-out NO.

There's a new report out from Energy Star, which is the EPA program that promotes energy efficiency. And it has new recommendations for where you should be setting your thermostat . . .

1. 78 degrees when you're home.

2. 85 when you're not home.

3. 82 at night.

As one person said, quote, "I see we've decided to give up on sleeping . . . or having pets that aren't native to the rain forest." Another said, quote, "82 when you're sleeping? Yeah, on the sun." 

(CBS 10 - Tampa/Twitter/BroBible)

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