Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea married fashion designer Melody Ehsani over the weekend. The 57-year-old rocker, whose real name is Michael Balzary, shared a photo from the wedding on Instagram, writing in an accompanying message, "My life has changed forever and I am eternally humble and grateful. The person who sees all of me and knows who I am. My wife @melodyehsani."
Ehsani posted a different wedding photo on her Instagram, remarking, "This weekend I got to marry my best friend. Surely, my best collaboration to date. You're my whole heart @flea333." According toE! News, Flea and Ehsani were only engaged for about a month before walking down the aisle.
This is Flea's second marriage. He was previously married to Loesha Zeviar, with whom he shares 31-year-old daughter Clara Balzary. The bassist also has a 13-year-old daughter,Sunny Bebop Balzary, from his relationship with model Frankie Rayder.
Fleas' long-awaited memoir,Acid For The Children, will be released on November 5th. The most recent Chili Peppers album,The Getaway, came out in 2016.
Story source: Blabbermouth