Jelly Roll Explaining His Transition to Rock and Weed

Once he started to take music more seriously as a career choice, he released an mixtape in 2013 titled Whiskey, Weed & Waffle House, that actually resulted in him receiving a cease-and-desist order from Waffle House — but it actually helped his career in a strange way.

"[That] was like the first national attention I'd ever got," the musician said. "That's kind of my story in a nutshell, I just kinda grinned my way in. I always had a love for the guitar, I grew up in Nashville, so you can throw a rock and hit a guy that can play the guitar."

After growing up in a large household, Jelly Roll was inspired by many different genres of music, and was always interested in trying to create in as many of those genres as possible.

"That's kind of what led me into rock 'n' roll," he added.

FULL STORY: Jelly Roll Explains His Transition From Hip-Hop to Rock 

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