There aren't really any DUMB things on the list. They're all pretty major . . . and sorry kids, the fidget spinner didn't make the list. (If you care though, it was invented way back in 1993 by a woman from Oklahoma who lives in Florida now.)
Some of them are better than others though . . .
It's debatable, but the Internet might be the MOST important invention on the list. A professor at M.I.T. in Massachusetts came up with it in the late '80s.
A few more big ones include the iPhone, California . . . the personal computer, Florida . . . the cotton gin, Georgia . . . the TV, Idaho . . . the assembly line, Michigan . . . the ATOM BOMB, New Mexico . . . the credit card, New York . . . the airplane, North Carolina . . . and the automobile, Ohio.
A few that aren't QUITE on that level are the kayak, Alaska . . . the taser, Arizona . . . the surfboard, Hawaii . . . the vacuum cleaner, Missouri . . . the ski lift, Nebraska . . . blue jeans, Nevada . . . Cream of Wheat, North Dakota . . . the parking meter, Oklahoma . . . diners, Rhode Island . . . and the modern shovel handle, Wyoming.
(Check out the inventions from all 50 states here.)