NME goes down memory lane with the legendary band ahead of their headline slot at Download Festival next week (June 9-11)
You’ve all heard the one about Steven Tyler and the one-song gig, right? It’s set back in the 70s or 80s, when Tyler and Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry were so jacked up on heroin, cocaine and a whole rackful of other narcotics and prescription meds that you couldn’t even spell that they became known as the Toxic Twins.
Anyway, story goes, one night they hit the stage of some arena somewhere and, for some reason, the band start with a song they usually finish the set with. Tyler, blitzed out of his wind machine-wafted mind as usual, finishes the song, says “thank you [insert town name], and goodnight!” and wanders offstage thinking he’s done the whole gig.
Urban myth, sadly.
Read more at http://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/aerosmith-best-war-stories-2082992#uJ8o0kISAYx3fZv2.99